About Us

SourceESB is now Parts Direct

Same great site with a new name where you will find electronic & industrial parts including price, availability, authorization verifications, and more.

For over 35 years, OEM and CEM buyers and engineers have relied on Parts Direct (aka SourceESB) when sourcing electronic and industrial products and services. Parts Direct allows you to easily access thousands of distributors, manufacturers, and service providers.

Parts Direct is an essential tool for today's busy professional looking to source parts. Distributor listings are verified, and authorization status of each distributor is verified directly with the manufacturer. Therefore, information about thousands of electronic & industrial parts and products is completely dependable and accessible when a buyer or engineer needs it most.

The Part Search feature lists millions of parts from hundreds of distributors. We also have features to help you make your job easier.

  1. Part Lists – this is a BOM tool that you can customize each list and the products will automatically update each time you open the list.
  2. Part Library Tool – keep track of the parts you need regularly. Create your own library that can be exported.
  3. Inventory Alert Tool – set up alerts to be notified when inventory is in stock for your favorite parts. You can also set an alert for products you need regularly to be alerted once inventory reaches a low.
  4. Personalize your search results by selecting your AVL or preferred distributors list.

Check it out today!

Parts Direct has a related content site called SupplyChainConnect.com. Supply Chain Connect is the source for news, insights, and analysis at the intersection of technology and business for today’s procurement and supply chain professionals. This content will be available on the SupplyChainConnect.com website, weekly newsletters, and monthly digital editions.

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