Public Involvement Network Advisory Group

The Public Involvement Network (PIN) is made up of patient and carer groups who use their knowledge, experience and direct contacts with patients and carers to ensure the views of patients, carers and members of the public are captured and used to inform SMC processes.

The PIN Advisory Group helps SMC to continuously improve how we involve patients, carers and members of the public in our work. Membership includes three patient group partners, each of whom has active contact with patients and carers and previous experience of submitting to SMC. To make sure we have a wide range of representation in the group, one representative is nominated through each of the following umbrella organisations: Scottish Cancer Coalition, Alliance and Genetic Alliance UK. The group also includes all SMC public partners and some members of the SMC team, including an Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee (ADTC) representative and a clinical expert SMC Committee member .

Read the full terms of reference for the group.

Watch former SMC Public Partner and PIN Advisory Group member David Standley explain the role of the Group.