The original CDEM Curriculum was developed in 2008 for fourth-year medical students. It featured the most common conditions a fourth-year student would encounter while rotating in the emergency department. In 2015, CDEM expanded the curriculum with third-year medical student and pediatric emergency medicine content. All three of these curricula are reviewed and updated by content experts every two to three years. 

Curriculum content is designed to help medical students rotating in emergency medicine (EM) understand the basic core content that is pertinent to EM. The content follows the topics found in the published curricula for each type of clerkship:


M4 Curriculum



M3 Curriculum



Pediatric EM Curriculum



SAEM and CDEM offer a testing service, SAEMTests, that features examinations developed from fourth-year and third-year curricular content. 



Additional Resources

CDEM also features several podcasts and other resources that are highly relevant for emergency medicine faculty, residents and students. These include:

As with any FOAM resource, we are open to suggestions and feedback from the those who access the site and look forward to hearing from you. You can provide feedback, requests, or ideas to [email protected].

The CDEM Executive Committee

Note: The content of the former sites at and are now hosted by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine in which CDEM is an Academy. All links that were previously associated with these sites should redirect to this site. Please update your favorites or links provided to students to this new site.