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Support For Disabled Students

We welcome applications from people with disabilities. Many disabled students have completed courses at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and many are studying here now, including students who are neurodiverse (eg dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD) students who have hidden medical conditions such as epilepsy, IBS, asthma, diabetes, ME and mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

Who do I contact for more information?

Contact Derek Powell, the RCS Disability Advisor, at [email protected] to arrange a chat. 

How do I request support for my audition or interview?

Contact Derek Powell, the RCS Disability Advisor, at [email protected] to discuss any adjustments that you would like for your audition or interview.  

What happens when I start my studies at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland?

When you start at RCS, our Disability Advisor will contact you to arrange a meeting with to discuss how we can best support you. A Learning Agreement will then be created with you and adjustments sent to your tutors. If you have dyslexia, you may need an up-to-date assessment. Don’t worry if you don’t have one as we can arrange for an assessment to be done. 

I think I’m dyslexic but I’m not sure.

If you have wondered if you might be dyslexic, but have never been assessed, we can arrange for you to have an assessment. Alternatively, you may have had a preliminary assessment at school, but do not have a full psychological assessment (a full assessment is necessary for applying for DSA see the next section below.) Contact the Disability Advisor to request an assessment.

What other support is available?

Derek can assist with completing applications to your funding body (Student Awards Agency for Scotland, Student Finance England, Wales or NI) for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). The DSA can help to fund equipment (e.g. a laptop, software and other assistive technology) and personal support (e.g. proof-reading, mentor)

To apply for DSA, you must provide medical evidence of the support needed. More information is available from the website of your funding body: SAAS, Student Finance England, Wales or Northern Ireland.

How accessible is the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland?

RCS has level access on the ground floor and a lift suitable for a wheelchair serves all floors. Many of the lecture theatres and auditoria have induction loops and vibrating pager fire alarms are available. The software packages Text help Read & Write and Inspiration have been installed in the IT suite.

Contact Us

If you are an RCS student and need advice on counselling support please contact: [email protected]

If you are experiencing financial difficulties or accommodation issues please contact: [email protected]