Gasket and Shim Industries

Gasket and Shim Industries – a company with ambitions to become the best supplier of soft-cut components in Southern Arica – joined Productivity SA’s Workplace Challenge Program to organise their factory and office areas, improve communication, boost company morale and find a system that could facilitate expected orderly growth.

The Workplace Challenge Program includes a World-class Management System, Goal Alignment, Cleaning & Organising (5S), Teamwork, and Leadership. All of these programs were implemented meticulously throughout the entire business’ structure.

The results:

• Overall performance has improved significantly, including their overall safety standard.
• Business delivery performance has improved, gradually going up from 60% on-time delivery to about 80% within eight weeks.
• Sales performance has improved drastically with the value of order delivered in the next month ranging from 9 to 11 times the value of quotes issued during the previous month.
• Gasket and Shine were chosen as a Productivity SA finalist in September 2016.