Manifesting Whatever You Desire is Easier Than You Think!

Manifesting Whatever You Desire is Easier Than You Think! October 24, 2023
Yes, You Can Manifest Whatever You Desire! Image courtesy of Bing Copyright Free Images

Yes, you CAN manifest whatever you desire, and, yes, it really is easier than you think.  I mentioned in an earlier post that God has set up the Universe to respond to every desire we may have.  It’s such a blessing to know that God loves to give us the Desires of Our Heart, as stated in Psalm 37.

He cautioned me to remember, however, that the Universe will dispassionately respond to my desire, whether it would be GOOD or BAD for me, so I needed to learn to speak or think only positive thoughts.

Your Thoughts Are Very Powerful

You have no idea how powerful your thoughts are.  You need to understand that THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.  What you think or say, you manifest.

Years ago, one of my employees arrived at work complaining that while she drove some kids to school, one boy who sat next to her in the front seat sneezed in her face and she JUST KNEW that she would get sick.

I watched her go down the hall and tell each employee that this boy had sneezed in her face, and she JUST KNEW that she would get sick, and I shook my head and thought, “Yup, the Universe is saying, “OK, we will make sure you get sick.” Sure enough, she was sick as a dog for an entire week!

Negative Programming Can Sabotage Your Success

In addition to running my mortgage training institute, I’m a Certified Life Coach.   I have noticed that most of my clients who come to me for help have allowed negative programming or core issues from their early formative years to sabotage their success today.

They come to me hoping that I will give them the tools they need to find that perfect career, or score that big promotion, or finally find a loving relationship.

Once I get them to identify those core issues that need to be faced and released, and help them GET CLEAR on what they desire, they usually manifest that desire very quickly.

My Friend Doris Needed a Job

My friend Doris moved to Wichita, Kansas with her husband and daughter when his company transferred him.  For the next year, every time I talked to her she lamented the fact that she couldn’t find a decent job.

I finally asked her to tell me what the perfect job looked like to her.  She asked me, “What do you mean?”

“If you could work at any job you desired, what would it be?” I asked.  She said, “Well, I don’t know; all I’ve ever done is work in an office, so I’m not sure what else I could do.”

She Was Sabotaging Her Success

It was like pulling teeth for her to tell me what she REALLY wanted, but I kept pushing her until she finally blurted out, “What I’d really like to do is teach computer classes, but I know I can’t.”

“Why not?”  I asked.  “You are very computer literate, and you are always helping me with computer situations I run into.  I think you would make a great computer teacher.”

As she then proceeded to list all of the reasons she couldn’t possibly be hired to teach computers classes, it suddenly hit me that she was merely repeating words spoken by her father, who felt that women should stick to typing and let the men handle computers, and her husband, a Computers Analyst, who constantly joked about her lack of computer skills when she asked him for help.

I Encouraged Her to Go for It!

I said to her, “I think you know more about computers than you give yourself credit for, and you would make a great teacher. Why don’t you go get the Yellow Pages (there was no internet back then) and see just how many computers schools there are in Wichita.”

She grumbled, “I bet there aren’t a lot, if any.”  I said, “Let’s look.  You may be surprised.”

“Well, what do you know!” she said.  “There are quite a few schools here.  I had no idea!”  I said, “I want you to start calling these schools, but first, let’s GET CLEAR on what you want.  You want to teach computer classes.  What kind of salary are you seeking?”

“Gee, I don’t know,” she said.  I responded, “Dream Big, Doris!  How much would you like to make?”  She said, “Well, if I’m going to Dream Big, then I want to make $50,000 a year.”

“And I know that you want to be home when Stephanie (her daughter) returns from school.  Right?” She said, “Yes, that is important also.”

Doris Took a Leap in Faith

I then made her state out loud, “I teach computers classes.  I earn $50,000 OR BETTER per year, and I am home when Stephanie returns from school.”

I told her, “Now pick up the phone and start calling those schools and tell them you are looking for a teaching job.”  Doris grumbled, “Well, they probably don’t have any openings, but OK, I’ll give it a try.”

Sigh.  With that attitude, I wondered how successful she would be, but I said a prayer for her, THANKING GOD for that perfect job.

She called me back within the hour exclaiming, “You’ll never believe this, Kathy!  The third school I called just had a teacher quit without notice, and they are shorthanded, so they asked me to come in tomorrow to talk to them!  I just can’t believe it!”

Doris Got Her Dream Job!

Doris got that job.  When they asked her about her salary, she stated she would like to earn at least $50,000 per year, and they said that was acceptable.  And yes, she could schedule her teaching so she would be home when her daughter returned from school.

Doris had been looking for a job for OVER A YEAR!  Yet when she GOT CLEAR on what she really wanted, and TOOK ACTION by calling computer schools, she had her perfect job the very next day!

It’s Easier Than You Think to Manifest Your Desires

This is a TRUE STORY!  It is really this easy to manifest your desires, if you get clear on what you want, remove those core issues that have been sabotaging you, and BELIEVE!


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