The modern search landscape: How and where to reach your target audience

The modern search landscape: How and where to reach your target audience

Today's web users go beyond traditional search engines to search. Learn about the platforms that should be on every search marketer’s radar.


By Dan Toplitt

Imagine you’re on vacation, it’s approaching noon and you’re starting to feel hungry. You’re eager to enjoy the best local cuisine your destination has to offer. So you go to Google Maps and search for “best lunch restaurant near me”, a topic that’s more than doubled in search volume on Google in the last three years alone.

Over 80% of searches worldwide occur on Google based on the latest search engine market share data. You might think that you’ve just completed the most common search journey to lunch.

However, nearly 40% of U.S. searchers between the ages of 18 and 24 go to TikTok or Instagram when looking for a place for lunch, according to Google’s own internal research.

In other words, if a restaurant in the area wants to attract this audience, their marketing strategy needs to extend beyond Google to include these platforms.

Now imagine if you were crunched for time and had decided you’d rather order lunch in your room than go out to eat.

If you’re vacationing in San Jose, consumers in your area are statistically more likely to find lunch on DoorDash, whereas New York consumers are more likely to order through Uber Eats.

Ultimately, these scenarios illustrate that when building a search marketing strategy, marketers need to consider the context behind a search, such as:

Demographics and psychographics of searchers.

Their location when conducting a search.

The goal of their search journey.

*click here for full article

(Seach Engine Land)

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Greg Tingle

An excellent in-depth article by Dan at Search Engine Land on search and search engines. Over the past number of years we have all learned that there's so much more to search that Google, although to their credit they remain number one in almost every country (political interference) being why they are not in some. Bing and Yahoo! are going solid. I've been most impressed by the strides by YouTube and Instagram. Not touching TikTok due to questionable security measures. Facebook is mixed, again due to political elements with some censorship - and that happened to Twitter also (hurry up Elon Musk and fix it). Wikipedia has been a godsend to us so we make an annual donation to support them. Blogger, Google's original blog platform deserves mention. Putting a Google (or other) search box on popular websites has merit, as we did with two of our media and pop culture sites. Becoming an industry destination website such as Search Engine Land also works wonders with quality traffic, and the linking authority reference spin-off. I search and discover in search of the online Holy Grail. All the resources are there to achieve the mission, just as Malcolm Turnbull told me and the audience at the Australian Google Business Conference.