Social, Community and Philanthropic sector update from Greg Tingle

Social, Community and Philanthropic sector update from Greg Tingle - 31st May 2016

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Social and Community Entrepreneurs

Advertising Promotions

The Salvation Army

Friends, I will be, and in fact, have already commenced doing more social, community and philanthropic related work. I will have many more specifics on this within the upcoming month. I've never stopped helping out community projects, however I will be ramping up the activity to an extent that it may become pretty impossible to miss it. The sectors including but are not limited to: Environmental, Homelessness, Indigenous, Wellbeing and Health, and groups which which would fall into the Disadvantaged bracket. We can all agree that the world and its citizens and animals face many challenges. I urge my friends and associates to do their bit for the People, the Planet, and to do their bit putting People before Profit, and not the other way around. We will continue to make positive changes in the world, and I look forward to sharing my ideas on this. We are still part of the business sector, however we will be putting more focus and positive action into community activities and initiatives. It's also likely that I will be obtaining some official credentials (other than media and actual experience) from an accredited training organisation. I already have the Working With Police and Working With Children card, however I am further building my credentials up for the sector. If you do any official business with myself, you can rest assured that some of those funds will go back into worthwhile community projects. Thank you for your time and ongoing support and encouragement. Warmest Regards. Greg

Virgin Unite - Virgin Hanger Ball


Save Bondi Pavilion

One Wave Is All It Takes

Indigenous Australian artists. Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

Make Poverty History. Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

Bondi Beach Lifeguards

Red Carpet fund-raising events Australia-wide

Sea Shepard. Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia


Ban Coal Mining In Our Oceans. Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

Environmental and community campaigning. Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

Dad makes school powerful (Pittwater High School solar power campaign)

Jump on board. Skatepark gets built for youth. Maroubra Beach, Sydney, Australia

Bondi Lifeguards Mojo DownUnder Calendar supporting Sydney's Children's Hospital and Westpac Helicopter