Coworking Directory for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra

Coworking Directory For Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra In Progress


Business Sydney Melbourne Australia Cafes

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Coworking providers now account for up to 30 per cent of the small-office market (Sydney, Australia). Photo: WeWork

As the business sector, small, medium and large, continue to look at ways to cut cost, but maintain productivity, efficiencies and moral of staff and management, witness to the rise of co-working.

WeWork, Work Club Global, Tank Steam Labs, Two Space and more

Elements - benefits - cost / outlay vs reward

We can still work out of cafes in Sydney or even home offices... but...

More professional to do co-working in professional spaces

Easier for tax purposes and record keeping

More likely to increase quality business networking with the right network of business people

Invites to business events who may have already heard good reports about your business

To be cont...

The Players

Tank Steam Labs



Photoart by Greg Tingle (WeWork Martin Place)


Work Club Global

Work Club Sydney. Photoart by Greg Tingle




Co-working out of a cafe in Sydney. Photoart by Greg Tingle (Media Man Group including Cafe News Media)



Coworking is defined in one trade magazine for coworking companies as a self-directed, collaborative, flexible and voluntary work style that is based on mutual trust and the sharing of common core values between its participants. Coworking involves a shared workplace, often an office, and independent activity. Unlike in a typical office, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization. Typically, it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, independent scientists or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation. Coworking is a social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with people who value working in the same place alongside each other. Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home. It generally costs money in the form of membership dues, though some spaces are free of charge. (Wikipedia)




Meet up and share your business ideas

Local newspaper story back on track for Maroubra Business Media; Community people power thank you

Why coworking companies are dominating Sydney’s small-office market (Commercial Real Estate)

Bitcoin Sydney: The ultimate Bitcoin business networking meetup, by Greg Tingle

Richard Branson: Network your way to success

Talk up your chances - Schmooze or lose - It's who you know that counts

Networking in business; Time well invested, waste of time, or case by case basis?