Strategy Design pattern: Behavioral patterns

Strategy Design pattern is a type of behavior pattern. This pattern is mainly used for an…

Template Design Pattern: Behavioral patterns

Template design pattern is a type of behavioral pattern. This pattern provides a basic structure or…

Decorator Design Pattern: Structural Patterns

Decorator design pattern is a type of structural pattern. This pattern is mainly used for assigning…

Composite Design Pattern: Structural patterns

Composite design pattern is a type of structural pattern which deals with composition of objects. It…

Bridge Design Pattern: Structural Patterns

Bridge design pattern is a type of structural pattern which separates abstraction from its implementation. Due…

Facade Design Pattern: Structural Patterns

Facade design pattern is a type of structural pattern which hides the complexity of the system…

Prototype Design Pattern: Creational Patterns

Prototype design pattern is a type of creational pattern. This pattern helps to create a new…

Adapter Design Pattern: Structural Patterns

Adapter design pattern is a type of Structural Pattern. This pattern enables adaptation of an incompatible…

Fold Expressions in C++ 17

Fold expressions is a new feature in C++17. This feature is related to variadic arguments of…

Factory Method Design Pattern: Creational Pattern

Factory method design pattern is a type of creational pattern. This pattern controls the creation of…

Builder Design Pattern : Creational Pattern

Builder design pattern is a type of creational pattern for building or creating a complex product.…

Singleton Design Pattern : Creational Pattern

Singleton design pattern is a type of creational pattern which controls the creation of the instance…