JPS Daycare  adalah tempat penitipan anak yang dapat membantu orang tua dalam merawat dan mendidik buah hati saat orang tua sedang bekerja. Selain itu, JPS Daycare dirancang untuk membantu membentuk karakter anak, agar menjadi lebih mandiri dan dapat bersosialisasi dengan baik di lingkungan sekitar. Pola pengasuhan anak di JPS Daycare berlandaskan dengan cinta kasih dan pendekatan pada karakteristik masing masing anak sesuai dengan talentanya, sehingga anak akan mendapatkan pengetahuan, wawasan serta keterampilan yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan anak.

JPS Daycare memiliki beragam fasilitas yang dapat mendukung tumbuh kembang anak, antara lain:

  1. Pendidik (Guru) dan pengasuh profesional yang handal dan berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  2. Ruangan yang bersih (hygienis), luas dan tenang serta adanya sirkulasi udara yang baik.
  3. Ruang bermain yang luas dan menyenangkan dilengkapi dengan berbagai alat permainan indoor dan outdoor untuk melatih perkembangan motorik, sensorik, dan kinestetik.
  4. Ruang belajar dirancang untuk anak-anak belajar dan dibantu oleh tenaga pendidik.
  5. Ruang tidur yang nyaman dirancang sedemikian rupa dengan tema layak berkemah sehingga menyenangkan bagi anak-anak.
  6. Ruang makan yang bersih dilengkapi dengan tempat cuci tangan, meja kursi yang sesuai dengan ukuran anak-anak.
  7. Ruang dapur yang diperlengkapi dengan alat-alat dapur yang bersih.
  8. Kamar mandi dan tempat cuci tangan dirancang untuk anak anak.

Sarana dan prasarana JPS Daycare sangatlah diperhatikan fungsi, keamanan dan kenyamanan. Tujuannya agar orang tua yang menitipkan buah hatinya dapat merasa lebih tenang dan anak juga merasakan kenyamanan.

JPS Daycare berperan untuk mengajarkan kebiasaan yang baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun tentunya kesuksesan tumbuh kembang anak memerlukan kerjasama yang baik antara orang tua dengan JPS Daycare.

Jam operasional:        07:30 s/d 17:30
Usia anak:                   2-10 tahun


“With our desire to help parents who need someone to take care of their children while they work, John Paul School has launched its Daycare – a facility that provides a safe, nurturing and supportive environment for young children.

Our well-supervised daycare setting proves to be an excellent venue to encourage the overall development of young children. In our daycare, children are provided a safe and comfortable place to learn regular schedules and routines that include structured times for learning, playing, eating as well as napping. Fun and interesting children activities are also provided using the concept of play to introduce basic concepts of alphabets and numbers providing a smooth transition to formal schooling.

JPS Daycare provide students with complete and comfortable facilities are as follow:

  1. Children are handled by professional caretaker and educator.
  2. Study Room. Here students prepare examinations and lessons on the following days, where students review lessons of the day, where service on reading and counting are provided, where helps on students’ communication skills are enhanced, where helps for students’ socialization skills to their surrounding are facilitated.
  3. Dining Room. Clean and Comfortable dining room and its utensils are provided. Students learn table manner training for polite and discipline attitude during meal time, for example: no communication while eating, building the habit of praying before and after meal).
  4. Activity Room. Students education facilities are available : educational reading books, games which train spatial ability, brain-stimulating, creativity and imagination development and interaction increase in enjoyable manner.
  5. Bedroom with camping theme. Comfortable and clean bedroom for nap-time. Building habit of bed time preparation : washing hands and feet. Bed time story.
  6. Shower Room for kids. Provided for building the habit of self-body cleanliness, i.e : shower time, brushing teeth, washing hands, washing feet.
  7. Nurturing students to maintain cleanliness during and after toilet time, like : flushing, washing hands and personal hygiene.

In JPS Daycare, children are given the opportunities to socialize with other kids their age. Working with others teaches them how to have better behaviors as they learn how to share, play and learn together while their unique personalities emerge and their minds grow. Thus, they grow up to be confident and independent children with great interpersonal skills. With the help of our loving and caring daycare teachers and care providers and with the support of their parents, children in our day care center develop all the necessary skills which they will need to succeed in school and in their life outside school.

In JPS Daycare, rest assured that your children will be in good hands!

Working hour:             07:30 s/d 17:30
Child age:                    2-10 years old

Jl. Harapan Indah Bulevar Sektor V
Kota Harapan Indah, Pusaka Rakyat,
Tarumajaya, Kabupaten Bekasi,
Jawa Barat, 17214
Phone: 021-50106588
Email: [email protected]