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Crash on SceneTracker::SetObjectDirty when doing any action while multiple Particle Systems with custom materials are running



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "CrashRepro"
2. Open “SCENEPATH“ Scene
3. Expand “OBJECTNAME“ GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Select “PARTICLESYSTEM“ GameObject in the Hierarchy window
5. Click the “Restart“ button in the Particles window
6. Select any other GameObject in the Hierarchy window
7. Repeat steps 4-6 until crash

Expected result: “PARTICLESYSTEM“ gets selected and restarted
Actual result: Editor crashes

Reproducible with: 2022.3.11f1, 2022.3.12f1, 2023.3.0a8, 2023.3.0a11
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.31f1, 2022.3.10f1, 2023.1.0a1, 2023.1.19f1, 2023.2.0b16, 2023.3.0a7

Reproducible on: Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

First few lines of stack trace:

{noformat}0x00007FF631F9B3BB (Unity) SceneTracker::SetObjectDirty
0x00007FF630D94DEB (Unity) Object::SetDirty
0x00007FF631CDFB10 (Unity) ParticleSystem::Stop
0x00007FF631CE0897 (Unity) ParticleSystem::Update1Incremental
0x00007FF631CE1021 (Unity) ParticleSystem::Update1b
0x00007FF631CE2CE5 (Unity) ParticleSystem::UpdateFunction{noformat}

Step 6 can be almost any action in the Editor (selecting another GameObject, closing the Editor, minimizing the Editor, disabling+enabling the Particle System)
Can crash at any point between steps 5-7
Sometimes crashes silently

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #UUM-54561

    [particles] Calling SetDirty from a thread causes crashes

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