'Time for schools to stop the daytime events and spare mums some guilt'

By Merryn Porter |

When it comes to mum guilt, there is nothing worse than when your child starts school and you find yourself not being able to attend all the daytime events planned.

Whether it is an assembly, an open classroom or a Book Week parade, working mums will soon realise there are simply not enough hours in the day – or understanding bosses – to allow you to have a career and be a hand-on enough mum to stop an attack of mum guilt.

But instead of schools trying to find a way to accommodate working parents, it seems that in 2023, mums are still bearing the brunt of scheduling conflicts that see the majority of events held during the day.

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Schools are still hell bent on planning events in work hours, leaving many children without a parent to cheer them on. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Just this week, a mum took to Mumsnet's Talk forum to ask, "Am I being unreasonable to find school expectations infuriating for working parents?"

"I'm not very well, so I might be being overly sensitive, but my children's school is driving me bonkers with their expectations that parents can drop everything to attend events in the middle of the day," JustARegularPoster began the post.

"Are all schools like this? I know there is probably no answer to this, but the repeated reminders and the 'we strongly recommend that all parents make every effort to attend' just makes me feel awful when I can't attend due to... well... working."

The woman went on to write that while she worked part-time, it "must be even more of a nightmare for parents that work full-time."

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Mum guilt is alive and well among working parents. (Getty)

She said the most recent event at school starts at 1.45pm on a day she works and she received a handwritten invitation, which her son had "very carefully coloured in."

She said her son brought home the invitation and "very earnestly asked me if I could attend" the event.

"I thought getting the children to write invites for their parents seemed particularly unfair – and school must surely realise that a lot of parents work and won't be able to make it," she said.

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The woman added that she attends everything she can, even on work days, by taking leave, asking to work from home or making up time, but felt her "employer's goodwill only goes so far and I've reached the point now where I'm out of holiday and don't feel like I can ask yet again."

The post hit a nerve with other parents, with more than 23,000 views in two days and plenty of comments from equally fed-up mums.

"I don't know why schools do this — teachers are parents themselves and can't attend events for their own kids. So why [do] they assume the rest of the (female) adult population doesn't work? Time they moved out of the 1950s," wrote one.

Working parents bear the biggest brunt when school's schedule events during the day. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It has been 14 years since my eldest child started school and despite graduating a year ago, the mum guilt I felt throughout his school years is still burned into my heart. And it began even before he started school.

I was at one of the many orientation sessions (surely they could knock it over in one day instead of four???) when a staff member announced an assembly would be held an hour before pick up each week. We were asked to note the day and time, and strongly encouraged to attend.

An hour!! A week!! So the already impossibly short school day had just been whittled down by an hour. A WEEK. And to make matters worse it was on a day I worked.

By the time I collected my son at the end of the session, he was already excitedly asking if I would be attending the weekly assemblies, and so, already consumed by mum guilt, I marched into my boss's office the next day and pleaded to change one of my work days.

No easy feat, but it was organised by the time he attended his first day of school the next year.

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Schools love to hold assemblies so time-poor parents can feel bad if they can't get there. (Getty)

So after taking off the previous two weeks (Kindergarten students start later in the term) and more days (they don't do a full day for two weeks), I was at the welcome assembly when the same staff member who mentioned the weekly assemblies the previous year – and told us to sear the day and time into our memories – announced that the afternoon assemblies would start the following week, but, wait for it, would be held on a different day.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" I felt like screaming, but instead tried to stem the burning tears that were about to burst from my eyes.

Yes, I tried to change my day back again, but no it wasn't possible. So for the next seven years as my son, and later my daughter, scanned the hall looking for Mummy as they sang a song, or got an award, I was not there.

I also missed plenty of Easter hat parades, Education Week events, sports carnivals, morning teas, skipping rope exhibitions (no, I am not kidding), etc etc.

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Yes, I made it to some, but by far, the ones my kids remember are the ones I wasn't at. (My son still hasn't forgiven me for not getting home from work until 7pm on his 13th birthday).

So, I think it's well past time schools gave working parents a break. Pare back the school events parents are expected to attend to the bare minimum and hold some of them at night, as they did back when I went to school.

And certainly don't ask kids to hand-write and colour in an invitation to an event in school time unless you've rang ahead and asked Mum and Dad if they can attend.

Because mum guilt doesn't just last an hour or two. For me, it is still going strong 14 years later and counting.

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