The Landscape Guide

Library of Garden and Landscape eBooks publishes the online books and articles listed below. They deal with the history and theory of garden design and landscape architecture. The eBooks have been OCR scanned and edited to make the content easily and widely accessible (eg by supplying page titles, modern spellings and hyperlinks). While paper books have obvious advantages and attractions, we believe that online books have other advantages: they are available anywhere and everywhere, they are easy to search and they have hyperlinks (eg to garden descriptions and to biographies of people mentioned in the text). We would be pleased to hear from authors who would like to use the website as a platform for publishing or re-publishing books, booklets or articles. They are grouped as books by Tom Turner, Humphry Repton, JC Loudon, Gertrude Jekyll, Japanese Gardens and Other Books (including M.L. Gothein History of Garden Art and AJ Downing Treatise on Landscape Gardening).

Books by Tom Turner

Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID by Tom Turner

Essays on Cities and Landscapes by Tom Turner

Garden Design in the British Isles History and styles since 1650, by Tom Turner

Books by Humphry Repton

An inquiry into the changes of taste in landscape gardening, 1806 by Humphry Repton

Designs for the pavilion at Brighton, 1808 by Humphry Repton

Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816 by Humphry Repton

Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803 by Humphry Repton

Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795 by Humphry Repton

Biography of John Claudius Loudon by his wife

Books by J.C. Loudon Encyclopedia of Gardening

Gardening Science - Soils, Manure and the Environment by John, Claudius Loudon

Gardening Science - the Vegetable Kingdom by John, Claudius Loudon

Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings by John, Claudius Loudon

Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842 by John, Claudius Loudon

History of Garden Design and Gardening by John, Claudius Loudon

Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture, edited by John Claudius Loudon (J.C.L ) by John, Claudius Loudon

The Principles of Landscape Gardening by John, Claudius Loudon

Books by Gertrude Jekyll

Colour schemes for the flower garden by Gertrude Jekyll (and Jekyll plant names)

Garden Ornament by Gertrude Jekyll

Books on Japanese Garden Desiggn

Gardens of Japan, 1928, by The Studio Magazine

Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912 by Josiah Conder

Other books

History of Garden Art, by Marie-Luise Gothein, 1928 edn

A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841 by Andrew, Jackson Downing

C.M Villiers Stuart Gardens of the Great Mughals by Constance Villiers-Stuart

Journey and Embassy to Samarkand by Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo

London and Its Environs, 1927 by Findlay Muirhead

London Parks and Gardens, 1907 by Alicia Amherst

Horace Walpole's Essay on Modern Gardening