Ocean Springs home to state's first high school aquaculture program


Some Ocean Springs High students spend about an hour a day raising fish and tending to their water gardens. Their school is the only high school in Mississippi that offers an aquaculture program.

The students are responsible for taking care of thousands of catfish and tilapia, and they grow hydroponic plants like cherry tomatoes, okra and pineapple. Some of the students even come to the green houses during school breaks to make sure their fish …

eXtension Virtual Aquaculture Worshop Proceedings

The recordings from the eXtension Virtual Aquaculture Workshop held Nov. 8-11, 2011, have been made available. In addition, the presenters have agreed to post their presentations to be used for educational purposes. Links to the recordings and files are below.

Nov. 8 Systems Overview recording
Pond Culture  – Forrest Wynne, Kentucky State University
Cage Culture – David Cline, Auburn University
Recirculating Systems – Greg Lutz, Louisiana State University
Flow-Through – Gary Fornshell, University of Idaho
Aquaponics – Anita Kelly, University …