Big Cypress National Preserve

Big Cypress National Preserve is a large and diverse natural area located in Collier County, Florida. It was established in 1974 and covers an area of over 729,000 acres. The preserve is part of the larger Big Cypress Swamp, which is an important habitat for many species of wildlife including the Florida panther, wading birds, and rare native plants.

Location: Southwest Florida

Additional Resources: Official Website

Big Cypress National Preserve is a great place to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature. It is a place that inspires artists and creators and inspired a special habitat card in the card game, The Balance of Gaia. The preserve contains a variety of different ecosystems including pine flatwoods, cypress swamps, hardwood hammocks, and sloughs. Big Cypress is also home to over 50 species of fish as well as alligators, turtles, snakes, and many other animals.

In addition to its natural beauty, Big Cypress National Preserve also has a rich history of human settlement. The Seminole Tribe of Florida have lived in the area for centuries, and their descendants continue to live there today. There are also many historic sites related to early pioneers and settlers. Big Cypress National Preserve offers plenty to do, from exploring its many ecosystems to learning about its rich history, hiking, camping, canoeing, and wildlife viewing. Whether you want to take a casual stroll or go on an extended camping trip, Big Cypress Preserve will inspire you.



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