Sebart Katana S 50E                                                                                                                              15-Sep-2009

Wing Span:
Root Chord:
Tip Chord:
Wing Area:
Wing Loading:

Essential Features contributing to this loading:

Radio Setup:

Battery Access:

Wheel Pants:
540, 405mm
2,250grams without battery.
With a 400gram 6S1P battery -> 54grams/dm� - slow flying!

 - Electric Powered using:
   - 15" x 7" (380 x 178) blade.
   - Scorpion 4020/12, 542kv 1500w outrunner - LOTS of power for this model. 3D is easily available!
Unlimited Vertical is no problem.
   - 80amp controller.
   - 6S1P (2500 or 3300) 30c LiPo battery - 10minute flights with multiple landings,
when easy on the throttle!
   - No extra weight added to achieve COG. Battery adjustment used for fine tuning COG.

Spektrum DX7 transmitter with AR6200 receiver (full range) with 4 DS8921 digital servos.
Ailerons are independently controlled allowing for Flaperon setup.

Beautiful, large magnetically retained canopy and hatch provide massive access
to all the inner components.

These were removed to allow larger wheels (74mm) which cope better with the
Olympic Flying bumpy, grass field.

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