Statements from the Profession

LACF Statement on Racial Inequality and Injustice

The Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation has released a statement on racial inequality and injustice. The statement outlines their stance on the issue and some of the actions they will be taking to break down barriers within our profession.

Read the statement

Atlantic Provinces Association of Landscape Architects

As an important part of our society, APALA and its members condemn discrimination and ALL ACTS OF RACISM. 

Our eyes have been opened to the senseless and horrendous acts of violence and continued oppression of black people and other minority groups. Our silence is not to be construed as inaction against racism, we are taking the time to listen, learn and discuss meaningful ways to offer change, which starts within our own organization.

We acknowledge that we as a profession have been part of the problem and we acknowledge that we as a profession should be part of a solution. We recognize that we as professionals and citizens have the responsibility to do the work that contributes to the transformation of our society into a safe and diverse environment for all. 

We are actively working on further actions and will share a plan over the coming months. We are open to learn more about the needs of marginalized and oppressed groups in Atlantic Canada and invite any interested person to get in contact with us at [email protected] in order to create a meaningful path forward, together as one.

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects

The appalling murder of George Floyd has pulled into stark focus the prevalence of on-going racism in our society. The injustice has resonated with human beings around the world, and ripped off the bandage of our complacency.
The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects condemns the anti-Black violence and all forms of racism that permeate our communities. We stand in solidarity with black communities in the fight against racial injustice.

We recognize that as landscape architects we have the power to design places that promote diversity, equity and inclusion and that insensitive design without those values can do harm to Black, Indigenous, and other racialized people in Canada.

Recent events have made it clear to us that ignoring voices, including those of Black communities, creates pain and frustration that may ultimately impact the social aspect of the places and spaces that we create. It reminds us that as an Association and as an industry, we haven't always got it right, and have a long way to go. We can do better and we will do better.

We are committed to ensuring this conversation continues past the current news cycle and results in meaningful proactive action. The issue is deeply imbedded, and it's not a quick fix. But we will work on it, together with the support and engagement of our members. Please reach out to either of us if you would like to help or have any ideas – the more voices, the better!

At their next meeting OALA Council will discuss this and where we can start to address the issues and opportunities. More to follow.


Jane Welsh                           Aina Budrevics
President                             Executive Director
[email protected]             [email protected]

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BCSLA’s Response to the Black Lives Matter and the Indigenous Solidarity Movement

We respectfully send you this message today to expand and enrich the dialogue between us.

North American landscapes have been historically, and continue to be, shaped by forces rooted in colonial systems of oppression. Here in BC, through the expanding interest and proactive persistence of many practicing landscape architects, some progress has been made towards understanding and making positive changes to these systems, while fully recognizing we have so much more to learn and achieve, working together.

In recent weeks, our membership has witnessed and experienced the outrage and impact of the brutal killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, and Chantel Moore, alongside countless other forms of active hate and systemic violence transpiring across the continental landscape. These deaths are some of the many that have set our world in motion for a movement to have a global society that no longer idly accepts systemic mal-treatment of the Black community, the Indigenous community, and other marginalized peoples of colour. In recent months in BC, we have seen anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and anti-Asian racism occur in our communities, and the raw impact that is transforming society in front of all of us.

Amidst the movement, our design community is responding and continuing to express interest in connecting as professionals and across disciplines to understand where systemic racism issues exist in design, and how we can all work towards a more equitable future for everyone.

The BCSLA Board of Directors is engaging in on-going conversation, both internally and externally, to determine our actions moving forward. We at the BCSLA are committed to take action to support the membership in any way possible as a regulatory body. Between the BCSLA, CSLA, the academic community, public and private practice, and advocacy networks, we all have an important part to play in dismantling racism, colonialism, and discrimination within the field of landscape architecture and by extension the design community. What remains important right now is that we provide a platform for all bodies to intersect and communicate so that we are not duplicating, but rather completing a complementary series of actions and initiatives moving forward.

What we want the BCSLA membership and broader community to know is that we hear you and we are here to support members seeking to connect. We organized an introductory call with an organized voluntary group of members on June 22, 2020 to converse at a preliminary level the development of initiatives with our Board. The next virtual meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2020 at 4:30 pm.   If you are interested in receiving email correspondence from members engaging at this time and/or if you would like to participate in this initial conversation, we invite you to contact Devon Francis, Member Services Coordinator ([email protected]) so she may copy you into a distribution list and GoToMeeting Invitation. These conversations will help to guide our steps moving forward.

Below you will find some preliminary resources for learning and engagement. The Board commits to doing our own learning as individuals while developing solidified actions for the Society going forward. We encourage you to engage in your own learning as well. 

The BCSLA has been distributing weekly Wednesday Webinar emails to our members and subscribers with free online video resources related to race, equity, and landscape architecture. If you do not receive these emails and would like to subscribe, please email [email protected].

If you are seeking literature at this time for further self-education, our members have identified the following links as current good sources, recognizing this will expand over time:

If you are seeking information on where to donate or engage with other community groups, the following organizations are good starting places for the opportunities that exist:

If you have any thoughts or comments you would like to share at this time, please address them to Executive Director Tara Culham, [email protected], and President Jacqueline Lowe, [email protected]. The BCSLA will continue to share updates regarding the steps we plan to take as a Society while we continue to learn and work together.

Thank you for your attention to this important statement.


The BCSLA Board of Directors

Alberta Association of Landscape Architects

This message is not perfect, neither are we, but it's from the human beings at the AALA both board and staff.

We're appalled and heartbroken at the persistent and violent evidence of racism in our country and across North America. Today and every day, Black Lives Matter. People of Colour Matter. Indigenous People Matter. LGBTQ2s+ People Matter.

There is systemic racism haunting the communities we love. We felt as though an Instagram post without action couldn't meaningfully address this systemic problem – but we realize that an issue this entrenched must be named, and we must speak up.

As an Association and as an industry, we haven't always gotten it right, and have a long way to go. But - we can do better – we will do better. We are committed to taking action to change, no matter how long it takes.

Racism, injustice and violence need to stop. We stand in solidarity with black lives - and all peoples of colour - in the landscapes throughout our province.

We marvel at the strength of joining together to confront injustice and will use our voice to seek justice where we live, work, play, and in what we build. We promote the positive power of humans to be problem solvers. We will educate whenever and wherever we can. We commit to ensuring that every single human feels at home in everything we do. 

The outdoors is for everyone. This world is for everyone. We cannot stop until every person is welcomed equally.

Until the AALA Board has the opportunity to consider these issues, seek consultation, and formulate a long-term strategy, the office team found some free educational opportunities for members to learn more about these issues. If you have great learning to share, please sent it to the office so we can share it with all members. 

Manitoba Association of Landscape Architects

Black Lives Matter to the MALA. Racism is unacceptable. So is our silence. In recent weeks, the Manitoba Association of Landscape Architects (MALA) has stayed quiet. We have been listening and learning how to better recognize and acknowledge systemic racism in our own communities and the profession of landscape architecture. We now recognize that silence in the face of injustice is unacceptable.

We want to offer our appreciation to everyone who is actively participating in creating and sharing resources and learning materials. The MALA is taking steps to produce an action plan that will be shared with the broader community. We are asking anyone who is interested in contributing their time, experience, and leader ship skills to this conversation, to please email [email protected]#silenceisviolence

Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

For the profession of landscape architecture to remain relevant and responsive, it must better represent the communities and people it serves. Greater diversity brings new perspectives and thought leadership, strengthens professional/community connections, and supports social equity. The undersigned organizations hereby make a commitment to increase resources and actions that: recruit and retain underrepresented students to landscape architecture programs; help mentor graduates into professional life and leadership; and foster an inclusive and welcoming practice environment.

Together, we pledge to work toward a diverse profession fully reflective of our nation. By 2025, we will endeavor to achieve a professional profile that correlates with the 2012 population-share estimates*, while working toward the longer-term goal of parity with 2060 projections for the nation as a whole.

American Society of Landscape Architects

The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) joins millions of people around the world in mourning the death of George Floyd, a black man who was murdered by a police officer.

ASLA recognizes that the brutal systems of slavery and Jim Crowism have dehumanized black people and weakened their communities. We also acknowledge that the planning and design of the built environment, including landscape architecture, has often had a disproportionate adverse impact on black communities. Systemic racism in the built environment has taken many forms, including redlining, urban renewal, and disinvestment. Environmental injustices, including lack of equitable access to clean air and water and greater concentrations of pollution, continue to plague these communities. Further, gentrification and displacement make it impossible for black communities to continue to exist. The landscape architecture profession can play a critical role in reversing these trends.

Public spaces have always been a critically important platform for the protest movement and democratic change. They have also become sites of violent confrontation and oppression against the black community. It is important that ASLA and others amplify the black narrative of these spaces.

ASLA stands in solidarity with black communities in the fight against racial injustice and police violence against black people. Moving forward, ASLA will deepen our partnership with the Black Landscape Architects Network (BlackLAN) to create a meaningful, sustainable plan of action to help guide the profession in addressing the wants and needs of black communities—no matter how much work and time it takes. Black Lives Matter.

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