Christine DeMerchant cat humour, funny cats


Some people imagine that cats sleep all day. Nothing could be further from the truth. They have important work to do and job satisfaction is of major importance to cats. Feline work ethic is renowned.

Guard duty

Surveillance and Guard Duty

There is a great deal of surveillance necessary around the modern home and you can count on your cat to take care of it.



Whether inspecting the high windows or the fence, or hanging pots in the garden, a cat's ability to climb always comes in handy.

Oscar baths a kittenJenny looks after a kittenbabysitting

Taking care of the kids

Fostering rescue kittens is much simpler if you have a nursery staff ready to bathe and babysit your charges. Uncle Oscar and Jenny are always ready to lend a paw and an tongue to take care of the kittens.

I don't know what I would do without a cat helping to build boats

cat reading instructions, funny cat photofunny cat checking the plans

Check twice cut once! Cats make sure I follow the plan and instructions correctly.

cute cat inspecting apple pie dinghycute cat inspecting hull of my Skerry

It's good to inspect construction every step of the way. Winston checks the sanding of the Skerry. Tilley makes sure the Apple pie dinghy gets assembled correctly.

very funny cat reading a book in bidetcat helping sailmaking, lol cat

Lulu gets excited about rigging the Skerry and has much to say about the sails and rigging. Yohan is a hands on sailmaker.

johan the cat assembles tracks,lol

Johan steps lightly as he settles in to help assemble the Railway tracks.

funny cat picture of Tilley sorting bills

Tax Season is upon us again.

Having a team of capable bookkeepers is a great asset when doing your taxes. Here Tilley helps sort bills.

Tilley the cat sorting laundry, lolcute kittens in laundry

Helping with the laundry

Tilley has shown great promise with the laundry. Here she is working up the courage to get out of the warm clothing and help sort it. The kittens still need some training.

Lulu the cat sits on a sewing machine funny pictureJenny checks the catnipWinston snags a catnip toy

Making cat toys

I made catnip toys as a fundraiser for the Annex Cat Rescue and I get a huge amount of help from all the cats. They supervise, check the quality of the catnip and help organize the filled toys.

Several municipalities have adopted a new program to deal with cats which cannot be adopted. These guys get a job in barns and warehouses keeping mice and rats down.

emails: Christine

This web site reflects my personal ideas and doesn't represent anyone else's point of view.