After your Bariatric Surgery

Surgical wound closure

Depending on your surgeon you may have wound closure in a number of ways. If you have surgical staples or non-absorbable sutures they will need to be removed at your GP 10 days after surgery. If you have absorbable sutures you may remove your dressing after 5-7 days and the sutures will dissolve/ absorb themselves. Please check with the ward nurse which would closure you have before discharge.


Getting your wound wet is not recommended for the first week as this may cause infection. The dressing can be changed after 5 days of discharge. If there is any oozing, redness or swelling please see your practice nurse. Once the wounds are healed you can shower but we do not recommend you take a bath for 14 days after surgery.


We advise that you take pain killers you are given. If you find they are not helping with the pain please contact your GP or the Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Physical activity/lifting

No strenuous or heavy lifting should be avoided for about 6 weeks. Lifting will put pressure on your wound which needs time to heal.

Sexual activity

You may resume your normal sexual activity as soon as it feels comfortable for you.

Eating and drinking

You have been given post-surgery dietary leaflets; you are advised to adhere to them strictly.

Time off work

We recommend you take 2 weeks off work after surgery. If you have a manual job this may need to be increased or you may need to negotiate restricted duties. Please ensure that you ask the staff on ward to arrange your sick certificate before you are discharged.


Driving should not be attempted for 2 weeks or until you feel confident that you are able to perform an emergency stop. Please check with your insurance regarding policy on abdominal surgery.