Renal (kidney) medicine

The consultant-led kidney service provides a once weekly outpatient clinic at Chelsea and Westminster for the treatment and support of adults with all forms of kidney disease.

What we do

The consultant-led kidney service provides a once weekly outpatient clinic at Chelsea and Westminster for the treatment and support of adults with all forms of kidney disease. Patients who require chronic (repeated) dialysis or a kidney transplant are treated at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

We treat and manage all aspects of nephrology (the branch of medicine dealing with the kidneys) and kidney disease including glomerular disease, kidney failure, chronic kidney disease, renal hypertension (high blood pressure due to the narrowing of arteries), polycystic kidney disease, diabetic kidney disease and electrolyte disorders (imbalance of minerals in the body).

Our services include outpatient care, follow-up of in-patients with kidney injuries, specialist nurse-led kidney disease clinic, management of kidney-related iron conditions and renal bone disease.

We also offer specialist expertise in vasculitis, autoimmune disease (where the body’s immune system has an abnormal response against substances and tissues normally present in the body), glomerulonephritis, and HIV and kidney disease.

Our team

Professor Jeremy Levy, Consultant Nephrologist, leads the service.


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Outpatients, Lower Ground Floor, Lift Bank B


T: 020 3315 4004
E: [email protected]

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