Our Agreement with Amazon.com


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1. If you shop for books at Amazon.com bookstore you can have them send 5% of your purchase amount to us. Simply bookmark This Page and enter Amazon.com through the page each time you shop. Amazon.com will keep track of all the shoppers who enter through this page and send us a 5% commission which we will put directly into funding site expansion.

Entering through our site does not effect your prices and you will still be able to use "one click ordering" if you already have an account with Amazon.com. It will be exactly as if you entered their site directly. For your convenience we have also put a search form for Amazon.com at the bottom of each page of our site. Entering Amazon.com through those search forms will also result in a 5% contribution to this site.

2. Where there are edition listings (such as "paperback" or "hardcover") after a title within our site then clicking on them will take you to the page of Amazon.com where you can purchase that particular title. Amazon.com will donate 5-15 percent of your purchase to our site. If you order additional books during the same session Amazon.com will give us 5% of the price of those purchases.

Please write to us if you have any questions. [email protected]

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