Encouraging believers with the inerrant Word

Thank you for standing with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on the rock of God’s inerrant Word—the foundation of the Christian life. Your gift supplies special event rates to pastors and students, underwrites online events so people around the world can benefit—and allows us to produce resources like the Standing on the Rock seminar.

Please consider making a donation this month. To thank you for your gift of $35 or more, we want to send you Dr. Boice’s seminar, Standing on the Rock. This recently re-released teaching series, taken from a seminar Dr. Boice delivered across the country, is an invigorating study for Christians who want to understand the power of God’s Word and live biblical lives.


For your tax-deductible gift of $35 or more

Physical media shipped to US
and Canadian addresses only. 

Canadian residents can give online
at CanadaHelps.org.
Type in "SOR" in the message box.